Vision and Mission

We seek to encourage, empower, and equip people to reach their full potential and achieve their goals.

We do this by coaching, consulting, facilitating, & training.

Our Values

Growth: We value people and process over products.

Health: We promote a holistic approach that will benefit the whole person, family, and community. 

Commitment: We offer our best to all our clients, serving you with high-quality work. 

About Our Logo

 Just like with a thriving tree, when the roots are strong and the environment nourishing, the growth will follow.

We want to help you cultivate sustainable growth toward your personal and professional goals.

Healthy trees produce healthy fruit. While a machine can churn out products, only living creatures can bear fruit.

Our approach is focused on helping you bear quality fruit that lasts.

The Indonesian word "curhat" refers to an intimate conversation where someone pours out their heart to a friend. 

With us, clients have freedom to share their authentic selves in an environment free from judgement.

"The purposes of a person’s heart are like deep waters,
but a wise friend draws them out."

Our vision for this business grew out of years of listening to our friends and colleagues. They shared their joys and struggles and we got to bear witness to their passion and creativity.

We'll help you gain new insights into your situation so you can make strategic decisions.
We want you to feel heard.

A caterpillar only transforms into a butterfly in the safety of its cocoon once it has all the necessary resources.

We'll help provide the environment and connect you to the resources you need to grow.

Duty, obligation, and fear are motivations that can only take us so far. But with joy as our fuel, problems become opportunities and hard work is actually fun.

We want to help you tap into more joy! When joy is like a fountain in your soul, your work brings life.

Neuroscientist Jim Wilder describes joy as "what we feel when we are with someone who is happy to be with us. Our brain looks specifically to the face of another person to find joy, and this fills up our emotional gas tank. The face is key."

Whether you're thriving or struggling, we are happy to walk with you and help you feel the joy of community. That's why we made our logo a smiling face. :)